


One week until Thanksgiving and I've already gone insane. As pictured above I am currently surrounded by Christmas stuff but it's not out of it's boxes yet, which I think is my problem.

You see, when we moved in April we never moved our Christmas stuff out of my mom's attic. We had a lot going on at the time and figured it would get taken care of eventually. Well, eventually was yesterday when I got up and hit the ground running at 6am on what was probably the most productive day of my entire life. One of the many things I accomplished yesterday was finally packing up and organizing my Halloween decorations (the ones that survived the hurricane) and putting my camping supplies away for the season. No sooner was the main level our our house free from that clutter when it was invaded by my Christmas decorations.

Christmas decorations fall into 3 categories, things for decorating outside, things for decorating inside and anything pertaining to the tree. It's been a really long time since I've been able to use my outside decorations so they were all coming over the house, no if ands or buts.

As far as inside decorations go I had to leave some behind for now because I just don't have the interior space. All the BIG pieces needed to stay safely at Mom's along with the entirety of my expansive lighted ceramic Christmas village. *sigh* One day I'll have space for it again...  I'm not even sure I have enough room for the things I did bring over, so we'll just have to see how that goes.

We are a fake tree household because I'm allergic to Christmas trees. My tree, the one I've been using forever is gigantic and will not fit here so I needed to temporarily replace it. I was actually able to get one free from a coworker back in May. I haven't actually put it together yet so we'll see how that works out.

When I brought the decorations over yesterday I attempted to organize them by category (minus 2 plastic figures that are hiding out behind a bush on the side of my house) and my living room ended up looking like this:

If I'm not going to decorate for another week it's going to be hard to live around all of these boxes. So I needed to put on my thinking cap and play tetris with my living room. I figured out where the tree was going to go and moved some furniture accordingly. The end result was a might stack of Christmas decorations that is going to spend the next week calling to me to let them out and explode all over the house...

How can you say no to the snowman? 

So what do you think, will I be able to hold out until after Thanksgiving?

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