Well hello there blog I suppose you think I forgot about you. I didn't, I just forgot how to write.
I'm actually pretty glad I forgot about this thing for a while because when I went to update my "About Me" section it was really cool to see all of the things that had changed in just one year. I have much to update you on but today I have returned with one specific post in mind, we can get to all of that catch up stuff at a later time.
I'm going to brag about my Mom for a minute.
We did our first 5k yesterday (May 10, 2015) and she had no confidence in her ability to finish. I told her I could do it in 30 minutes and asked if she thought an hour was a reasonable expectation. She wasn't sure she could manage even that.
We lucked out and the weather was absolutely perfect, there was a slight chill in the air when we arrived but you could tell by the humidity that the cloud cover would eventually burn up and we would be in for some heat. Thankfully that didn't happen until we were lounging on my deck at home.
We elected to start near the back of the pack unsure of what to expect from this crowd. When the horn sounded there wasn't much hustle which I think helped her anxiety. I suspect she was worried everyone would take off like a shot and leave her in the dust, she didn't take into account who was in the crowd, there was no way that was going to be the case. As a mother's day race there was quite the variety of participants so I knew there was nothing to be worried about.
As we finally got underway we fell into a nice rhythm, a combo of jogging and walking. This worked well for the first mile which had more hills than Mom had been expecting. During mile 2 she hit a bit of a road block her lack of confidence started to over take her, a points I was literally holding her hand up some hills. I cheered her on the entire way and even jogged backwards to give her something to focus on.
Even when she looked exhausted and told me she was done I kept cheering her on and she didn't give up. We were able to finish under her goal of 1 hour and clocked in at just under 45 minutes.
I am so freaking proud of her. She spent the rest of the day floating on cloud nine and told everyone we came in contact with that she finished a race earlier in the day.
Best Mother's Day ever.
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